With age our bones will weaken, become less resistant. Poor nutrition can also result in bone decalcification. From 30 years the bone mass gradually decreases to reach up to 5% deficit every 10 years. In the postmenopausal women the loss of bone mass increase rapidly at the beginning and then slows after 3 to 5 years. This acceleration is associated with loss of estrogen and calcium deficiency.
Maca strengthens bones because it increases the amount of estrogen in women, and increases in testosterone levels in men.
Maca grows in a soil rich in minerals. Thanks to its high content of calcium and minerals, maca treats and prevents osteoporosis. Have a supply of minerals and calcium is important to act against osteoporosis.
Consume maca Peru Nature brings calcium (between 350 and 500mg to 100g), magnesium, potassium, iron, silicate.Also contained within the tuber traces of manganese, zinc, copper and sodium.
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